Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do Iget rid of my computer rumpus?

Ican't know where on earth is the source of this noise, my laptop is new and have very virtuous hardware.


If it is new later don't screw around with it embezzle it to the dealer and agree to them fix it.........Fans and hard drives and cd/dvd players are the with the sole purpose things with moving parts and if it is the rugged drive that's making the noise you hold a BIG problem.....BACK UP all your facts NOW and take the tool back for repairs. I assume it still beneath warranty(?).
It can be a ton of things, you need a description of what your audible range. Its probably the Hard drive(s) they tend to get a touch loud seeing how they spin at 5400-10000RPM's depending on the drive.. You can go into BIOS (F2 at startup) and set HDD accoustic to silent..
Is it the aficionado from your power supply? There are liquid cooled and other noiseless systems to use.

Sometimes, after closing up my computer case, a power cable is touching the little admirer over my cpu. That can make disturbance.

If you're not too familiar next to computers, have a computer tech look at it.
smack it beside a sledge hammer and afterwards tell it to shut up. it will be VVVVEEEEEERRRRRYYYYY melodious.
liquid cooling
favorite folk music

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