Tuesday, September 21, 2010

how do you play a winter sport near out vedeo card eg fifa2006. how to convt a 24 bit laptop to 32 bit laptop.?

i dont hold a pc near 32 bit moniter .its 4 year sold .i want to have it upgraded.


? 24 bit computer ? Sound like a very confusing cross-examine and you may not be fully understand the problem.

Well you can't do anything minus a video card.

Now if you have a honestly old PC and you bought a hot game resembling Fifa 2006 then you simple will hold to upgrade the hardware on your computer, not just the video. There are lots of games that do not even play resourcefully, or at all, on PCs that are 3 years outmoded so make sure and look at the requirements formerly buying it.

Good luck,

I don't think the monitor is a problem as such,hardware is, resembling it depents on the size of the memory and also the operating system will be a problem.so the best thing is you own to upgrade your pc.well-mannered luck
You mean your blind is at 24-bit color. If you can't get it to 32-bit color after the current video card does not support it. I would have to know the other specs of your computer back I could tell you if you could play that winter sport or not, processor speed, type, how much memory you have and so on. That anyone said, you could get a better video card to play the winter sport, provided that one) you have an AGP slot and two) the other specs of the computer are within line beside those required by the game.

To check the specs right click on My Computer and select properites, processor speed, type and amount of memory you own will be listed in that. Assuming Windows XP.

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