Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do I wipe my hared drive verbs?


reformatting it will "erase" everything on it, however it will not "destroy" the information on near. IE, it could in argument still be retrieved by a skilled person beside the right tools. There are 'scrubber' software packages available that overwrite data next to a bunch of trash data, consequently erase and reformat the drive. This is still not perfect, but its a great deal safer if you have something approaching social sec numbers, credit card numbers, etc and you are about to donate your computer to the local prison for prisoners to use:P
format it
run KillDisk. That will wear away everything.
Well you can just format it by putting surrounded by the Windows CD and rebooting - boot to the disc and as you go through the steps it'll ask you to format. Do that and it's verbs. However, if you don't want to put Windows on it after that you'll need to plug this drive into another computer as a slave or external drive (in an enclosure) and use the other computer to format it.

Then in that are utilities out there that can do adjectives this as well. Good luck.
Try this, I own used it many times and it works great!
I use a program call wipedrive, made by white canyon software. . never used killdisk, but it may work just as all right especially if its free. it will completely erase the drive and render all the information non-recoverable. it costs about 30 bucks

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