Wednesday, September 15, 2010

how do we verbs a TFT (LCD)monitor?

how do we verbs a TFT monitor? should i use some kind of alco hol or something?


using a special soft. you can but it at any computer or electronics shop
i just sprinkle some sea on it and wipe it with a cloth or a tshirt .. of late be careful and dont apply to much pressure on the peak when wiping it.
Do not use Alcohol.

Please follow as below: -

1. Turn past its sell-by date the computer and display

2. Use water solely to dampen a lint-free cloth. Do not spray fluid directly on the screen

3. Wipe the peak

You may also use a mild glass cleaner that contains no alcohol or ammonia, available at most organization supply stores. Apple has tested a product call "Klear Screen" and found it does not cause damage to plastics.

I don't like to use hose to clean TFT or LCD screen. I suggest to use TFT LCD Cleaner. Check the following links:


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